Training Seminar for Woody Biomass

Kardzhali 2016-01-21BGBIOM participate in a meeting of the stakeholders of the project RES H/C Spread on 21.01.2016 in Kardzhali.

The members of BGBIOM participated in the discussion of the results of the project – the potential of renewable energies for heating and cooling in the EU and promoting the use of these energy sources and technologies with creating Renewable Energy Action Plans in municipalities in Rhodope region in Bulgaria.

Additionally, BGBIOM presented their current projects:

  • Improved Nutrient and Energy Management through Anaerobic Digestion – INEMAD
  • Uptake of solid bioenergy in European commercial sectors (industry, trade, agricultural and service sectors) – Bioenergy for business (Bioenergy4Business)
  • BioRES– Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy

As a part of the seminar, the participants were trained for benefits of using local renewable energy sources and marketing models and concepts for Biomass Logistic and Trade Centres (BLTCs) as a part of BioRES project.

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