The final INEMAD – GR3 conference

The INEMAD and GR3 partners are proud to present their joint conference to present the results of these two projects. Common ground is the production of biogas from agricultural or municipal residues. Where GR3 is mainly looking at the supply chain to support the use of grass clippings for biogas production, INEMAD is looking at agricultural inputs to produce biogas and biobased fertilizers.

INEMAD final conference

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Topics investigated in the INEMAD projects are the use of digestate as a fertilizer in agriculture, if farmers are willing to use biobased fertilizers, the ecologic and economic efficiency of different manure processing technologies, the possible benefits and bottlenecks of cross border transport of manure (products) and the policy support mechanisms to produce biogas and use digestate as a fertilizer. More info on

The GR3 project is focusing on the practical implementation of the use of grass clippings in biogas installations. The outputs of the project are linked to legislation, biogas-potential, grass-inventory, business plan development, etc. The results include an ecologic and economic analysis of different pathways. More information can be found on