The National Biomass Association (BGBIOM – Bulgaria) was created in the autumn of 1998. In October same year BGBIOM became member of European Biomass Association (AEBIOM).
The aim of NBA is to propagate the growth of different plants for non-food use. NBA aims also to co-ordinate and facilitate the research and development works in the fields of biomass resources, biofuel production technologies, biofuel market in the transport, heat and energy sector, as well as in the field of biomass non-energy products.
NBA plans to realise these aims by taking part in different EU programs.
In 1998 year NBA-Bulgaria was involved in the project „Let’s give floor to the farmers” in the frame of ALTENER program as subcontractor of AEBIOM.
Scientific research in the filed of BIOMASS in Bulgaria (In Bulgarian: НАУЧНИ ИЗСЛЕДВАНИЯ ПО БИОМАСА В БЪЛГАРИЯ)