- B4B – Uptake of Solid Bioenergy in European Commercial Sectors (Industry, Trade, Agricultural and Service Sectors) – Bioenergy for Business
- BioRES – Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy
- INEMAD – Improved Nutrient and Energy Management through Anaerobic Digestion
- CEUBIOM – Classification of European Biomass Potential for Bioenergy Using Terrestrial and Earth Observations. IEE 2007 SAVE – ALTENER – STEER – INTEGRATED INITIATIVES. Project 213634
- RADAR – Raising Awareness on renewable energy Developing Agro-eneRgetic chain models –IEE 2006 SAVE – ALTENER – STEER –HORIZONTAL KEY ACTIONS EIE-07-095.
- AquaTerre – Integrated European Network for biomass and waste reutilisation for Bio-products – FP7-KBBE-2007-1
- INTEREG IIIA 2006, Action 3.4 “Cooperation among Educational & Research Institutions” – Project: „Development of a common Postgraduate Curriculum for Graduates from Geotechnical and Polytechnic Faculties in the field of RES”
- BIGPOWER -“Improvement of the S&T research capacity of TUBITAK-MRC IE in the fields of Integrated Biomass Gasification with Power Technologies” – FP6 SSA project – 2006
- “ Let’s give the floor to farmers” . Contract Altener No.XVII/4.1030/Z/99-092. Final Report, Brussels, 2001
- “Promotion and Dissemination of Successful Geothermal Technologies in the Bulgarian and Northern Greece Markets”. Contract Thermie No: DIS/1368/97-GR. Final Report , Athens, 1999
- “Lessons from Denmark and Austria on the energy valorization of biomass. Contract No. ERBCIPDCT930332. PECO 1993, Final Report, Athens, 1995.