World congress and Expo on recycling

Recycling Expo 2018:

Venue: Berlin, Germany                      Date: August 29,30 2018

Recycling congress gathers all the Global leaders in Recycling and relevant fields to share their research at this exclusive scientific program. Recycling congress is aimed to identify Advances in recycling which broadly covers Solid waste recycling, organic waste recycling, waste water recycling, agricultural waste recycling, sustainable production and consumption patterns, Life Cycle Analysis of Recycled Products, Environmental  Issues of Recycling, Material flow analysis, Life cycle assessment and management of resources etc. Recycling congress is expecting members around the world and the two day conference will incite Plenary sessions, Keynote speeches, Poster and Oral presentations. This congress gives two days of vigorous discussions on recent advancements, new strategies and new techniques for development of new materials for global requirements.