Tag Archives: ENABLING

EnablingBBP | Final Conference

We are happy to invite You to the ENABLING conference. To participate you will first have to register to the Digital EIMA fair and then register for the conference: EIMA Digital Preview.

  1. Register as visitor on www.eima.it/en/visitatori/user-form.php                (Sectors of interest: select “Crop transportation equipment”; Exhibition: select “EIMA Energy”)
  2. On the menu on the right select “Calendars of events”
  3. Select “November 13, 2020” and scroll down to the time 10.00 – 13.00
  4. Click on the title “Final Conference Project ENABLING” Room 3

This is the direct link to the Calendar of events: www.eima.it/en/edp-2020-program.php

We are happy to invite you to ENABLING Final Conference at EIMA International- Digital Preview.

As we are approaching to the last month of the project, a dedicated online session is to be held with a plethora of invited speakers by the bioeconomy industry and agriculture policymakers.
Alongside invited speakers, ENABLING partners will present their work on biomass best practices and tools for the bio-based industry with case study examples.

Topics Overview:
Circular economy and bioeconomy
Biomass for a sustainable industry
Bio-based products case studies from EU and beyond

EIMA International is the International Exposition of Machinery for Agriculture and Gardening byFederUnacoma, the Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation, and organised by the federation’s service division, FederUnacoma Surl, in collaboration with BolognaFiere.

Join us at the EIMA International Fair taking place online on 11-13 November 2020 and have the opportunity to join a number of presentations followed by Q&A and discussions providing a deep insight on the views shared from different aspects of the biobased industry and agriculture.
 Register here
Looking forward to meeting you online at the Final Conference.
Copyright © 2020 ENABLING EU PROJECT, All rights reserved.

Enabling 8th newsletter

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Enhance New Approaches in BioBased Local Innovation Networks for GrowthSummer is here, so does Enabling! ?
Watch our biomass stories!From agricultural residues and various types of feedstocks to packaging products, bio-plastics and mosaics, meet people from all over Europe and watch their stories on biomass and innovation. A series of interviews by Enabling presenting bio-based solutions and best practices on the bioeconomy.
 Over the last month project partners such as CORE Innovation, EPC and Vestlandsforsking have organised and participated in Webinars and Online Discussions covering a wide range of bioeconomy topics. From the current state of bioeconomy in Europe till the day after COVID-19, there’s a lot to discuss with the actors of BBP industry and beyond its borders. 

Watch all Webinars held by Enabling partners on
Enabling YouTube Channel. Discover more Enabling videos
BIOVOICES Bioeconomy Stories #4: The ENABLING project

July is the month dedicated to Enabling project and the Bioeconomy Talks. Enabling Project has collaborated with Biovoices to create educational material for the bioeconomy. Watch the Interview to Vito Pignatelli, Coordinator for Biomass and Bioenergy Technologies at ENEA. Vito made a brief introduction to Enabling project and its mission to support connections at the regional level. He continued explaining the current status of biomass material in Europe.Coaching Activities
More and more farmers and practitioners look for sustainable and zero-waste approaches on the industry. Enabling offers a service that supports those people and the biomass producers or the BBP industry for the uptake of emerging best practices. Through Coaching Activities the applicant can ask for guidance for topics related to biomass, bio-based products, technologies, EU and national laws, and much more. In other words, it helps the applicants to discover more details about the bio-economy and its components. Coaching Activities are available to 10 different languages:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774578. 
Copyright © 2020 ENABLING, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Core Innovation5 Delagrammatika, strChalkis, Attica 34100Greece
Add us to your address book

Enabling 6th-Press-Release

We are happy to share with you July’s Press Release.

On this issue we have prepared a brief presentation of the 4 platforms, all in one place.

All platforms and services (Best Practice Atlas, Coaching Activities, Process Flows and BiomassTrade platform) are linked with the corresponding page of the website and therefore the user can visit the co-hosted platforms.