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World congress and Expo on recycling

Recycling Expo 2018:

Venue: Berlin, Germany                      Date: August 29,30 2018

Recycling congress gathers all the Global leaders in Recycling and relevant fields to share their research at this exclusive scientific program. Recycling congress is aimed to identify Advances in recycling which broadly covers Solid waste recycling, organic waste recycling, waste water recycling, agricultural waste recycling, sustainable production and consumption patterns, Life Cycle Analysis of Recycled Products, Environmental  Issues of Recycling, Material flow analysis, Life cycle assessment and management of resources etc. Recycling congress is expecting members around the world and the two day conference will incite Plenary sessions, Keynote speeches, Poster and Oral presentations. This congress gives two days of vigorous discussions on recent advancements, new strategies and new techniques for development of new materials for global requirements.


EuroSciCon Ltd invites participants from all over the world to attend ‘9th Edition of International conference on Biofuels and Bioenergy 2018 ‘ during March 29-30, 2018 in Edinburgh, Scotland, which includes prompt Keynote Presentations, Oral Talks, Young Research Forum, Technical Workshops, Poster Presentations and Exhibitions.

Biofuels and Bioenergy-2018 is the occasion intended for the International experts to encourage the dispersal and utilization of exploration discoveries identified with Biofuels and Bioenergy as substitution powers. It is an investigative stage to meet kindred key chiefs all-around the Biotech associations, Academic Institutions, Industries, and Environment Related Institutes and so on, and making the congress an impeccable stage to share and pick up the information in the field of bioenergy and biofuels. Biofuels and Bioenergy -2018 is a stage to accumulate visionaries through the examination talks and presentations and set forward numerous interesting techniques of creation and scale up of renewable Energy and making the congress a flawless stage to share capability.

We look forward to seeing you in Edinburgh!

Conference Highlights:

  1. Biomass
  2. Biogas
  3. Bioethanol
  4. Bioenergy
  5. Aviation Biofuels
  6. Advanced Biofuels
  7. Biorefineries
  8. Algal Biofuels
  9. Bioeconomy
  10. Biodiesel
  11. Food vs Fuel Debate
Email: [email protected] | [email protected]
For detailed sessions, please visit:
Submit your abstract online:
Register online:
Jessica Collins| Program Coordinator

Biofuels 2018 | EuroSciCon Ltd.,
Highstone House, 165 High Street,
Barnet, Hertfordshire EN5 5SU, UK
Email: [email protected]
Contact no: +1-702- 508-52

11th World Bioenergy Congress and Expo

Conferences series LLC invites all the participants from all over the world to attend  “ during July 2-4, 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany. Which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions. Theme of the Bioenergy conference is Bioenergy: Mobilizing the Bioeconomy and Globe through Innovation for a sustainable world with an objective to encourage young minds and their research abilities by providing an opportunity to meet the experts in the field of Bioenergy. Bioenergy congress is designed to explore various applications in different fields.

Join us for two intensive and interesting days of discussing contemporary Bioenergy Expo research. We invite you to contribute and help to shape the Bioenergy congress through submissions of your research abstracts, papers and e-posters. Bioenergy International is cordially inviting for presentation at the conference.


  • Biomass
  • Biomass feed stocks for renewable energy generation
  • Renewable Energy
  • Biogas
  • Biofuels
  • Bioethanol
  • Bioenergy Conversion Methods
  • Bioenergy Applications
  • Green energy and economy
  • Bioenergy Transition
  • Solar Energy
  • Processes for Bioenergy
  • Energy and Environment
  • Advances in Renewable Chemicals
  • Sustainable Energy
  • Environmental Sustainability and Development

Target Audience:

  • Bioproduct companies

  • Bioenergy Associations

  • Bioenergy Researchers

  • Bioenergy Industry

  • Bioenergy Scientists

  • Nuclear energy Engineers

  • Bioenergy technology Engineers

  • Chemical Engineers

  • Renewable energy Organizations and Associations

For more details visit our website:

Announcement EE & RE 2017

Organizer: Via Expo

Event Partner: National Biomass Association (BGBIOM)

From 7 to 9 March 2017 there will be held the 13th edition of the South-East European Conference and Exhibiton on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.  Over the years of its existence since 2005, the event has proved its significance for the Region dealing with its priority sectors and facilitating the establishment of new business partnerships and strengthening the existing ones.

The preparation of the SEE event 2017 is underway. Following the latest trends, the event will keep on being a cross point among local and international players and an efficient platform for showing the novelties in the branches.

Why to join it?

To find new local distributors and business partners

To position your products in a new market in a cost efficient way

Face-to-face interaction with municipality representatives, key industry players from production, commercial and public sectors

Get an insight of the market specifics in a short time.

The event receives again the institutional support and patronage by the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. For the eight consecutive time there will be organized Austrian Pavilion with the active promotion support of Advantage Austria Sofia.

Among the exhibitors, applied participation as of the present moment in the SEE EE& RE’17 are companies from Bulgaria and abroad that will demonstrate the following: Photovoltaic systems, Software for predicting imbalance and managing the production of electricity in real time; Heat Pumps Systems; Еnergy solutions for the industry, including gas co-generators, boilers, equipment for thermal power plants, heating, water-conditioning systems and cooling towers; Advanced pellet and wood chip heaters, Energy storage systems, etc.

Priority Booking Form

Brochure 2017 /link/ Bulletins /link/

The focus of the EE & RE Conference’17 will be on:

Geothermal Energy in Cities: Good Practices; Discover Shallow Geothermal; Geothermal Heat Pumps

Energy Union Governance and the Smart and Clean Energy Package: Opportunities for South East Europe.

Experts from European Geothermal Energy Council, Eurelectric, International Geothermal Association, , Romanian Geo Exchange Society, National Biomass Association of Bulgaria, Bulgarian shareholders are expected to deliver presentations in March.

SEE Energy Efficiency & Renewables’16 and the parallel events – Smart Cities and Waste Management & Enviornment attracted visitors from 26 countries.

Post Event Report’16 /link/


4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Gas Technology, REGATEC 2017

22-23 May 2017, Pacengo (Verona), ITALY

 REGATEC 2017 has a technical and industrial focus and is directed towards microbial and thermochemical conversion of biomass and waste to biomethane, Power-to-gas, biomass gasification for CHP production, and cryogenic upgrading/liquefaction. REGATEC includes plenary and parallel sessions, a poster session, an exhibition and Network Plus (scheduled B2B meetings) and offers excellent opportunities to find new collaboration and business partners. The latest advances within biogas, biomass gasification and Power-to-gas including experiences of pilot, demo and industrial scale facilities will be presented by 60+ experts.

More here:  REGATEC 2017

5th Central European Biomass Conference 2017, Graz, Austria

The countdown has started: Since the beginning of October, the programme and the registration for the 5th Central European Biomass Conference (CEBC2017) – the leading event of the Central European biomass sector – are online. From 18th to 20th January 2017, Graz as the green heart of Austria, becomes the international biomass capital. The organizers expect more than 1,000 visitors from all continents. The speakers and partners of the conference are also international. Participants from 30 nations will complete 156 lectures in 18 thematically structured blocks as well as five excursions. The highlights of the 5th Central European Biomass Conference are events organized by the International Energy Agency and the World Bioenergy Association, with special emphasis on the areas of sustainability at regional and national scale and sustainability considerations for different value chains, biomass-combustion-based grids and hybrid systems and lowest-emission biomass combustion systems,  advanced technologies for the realization of a biobased economy,  and heat and electricity from biomass. In addition, fuel characterization and quality assurance as well as consumer attitudes, markets and policies are discussed. An informative excursion programme and an industry forum cover the spectrum from theory to practice. Own days will be dedicated to the fields of biogas and pellets. An extensive side programme with social events as well as an Africa-EU B2B-Matchmaking event offer enough space for networking. The “Hauslbauer” fair, which takes place at the same time with around 40,000 visitors and a traditional focus on energy supply in the building sector, is an excellent addition to the conference.
The CEBC2017 aims to bring together protagonists from all areas of regional bioenergy use. Based on current experiences and technological developments, new impulses are set for the energy transition. Bioenergy in Central Europe is a success story that can be pushed and rolled out all over the world. The regional use of biomass reduces CO2 emissions, purchasing power outflow, dependency on fossil fuels and creates additional jobs.
+ The programme is available for download here:
 + The registration is available here:
 + Follow us on Twitter: and Linkedin:

6th Smart Communications & Technology Forum

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We would like to invite you to our annual event on Smart Grid/Metering. This time the 6th Smart Communications & Technology Forum will take place on 16th June 2016 in Warsaw Plaza Hotel in Warsaw, Poland.

Smart Communications & Technology Forum is an annual event taking place in Poland, dedicated to the subject of smart grids and smart metering. The main goal of the forum is to invite international experts on smart grid and smart metering technology and then encourage them to exchange and share their knowledge and experience. Each year we are honored to host an event with all the mayor representatives of the market including experts on energy and natural gas markets, representatives of the public sector and administration, scientists, engineers, technology developers, financial institutions as well as government officials.

6th edition of the Forum will focus on problems like:

  • regulations and investments for smart implementation and development
  • implementation strategies for companies
  • Smart Leaders case study: domestic and international experience, commercial implementation
  • utilizing the potential of smart infrastructure and technology
  • solutions for combining smart grid systems and renewable energy and distributed energy sources
  • energy storage
  • Customer Engagement (Demand Side Response, dynamic rates, prepaid systems, etc)
  • Smart Metering new technologies and active energy consumer
  • Internet of Things
  • Virtual Power Plant

The upcoming 6th Smart Communication and Technology Forum will be held in a form of parallel sessions. Apart from the main public debate in which experts shall outline and analyze the current market standpoint and regulations, we are also going to host two separate subject specific sessions:

“Smart grid”/”Smart metering” a session solely devoted to the issue of effective management of the market, its automatization and new technologies as well as solutions when combining the Smart Grid with renewable enemy and distributed energy sources.

Workshop “Instructions on maintenance and exploitation of the grid and the quality regulations”

More information on the Forum can be found here:

Contact details:

CBE POLSKA, tel/fax: +48 22 82 77 123, e-mail: [email protected]