Organizer: Via Expo
Event Partner: National Biomass Association (BGBIOM)
From 7 to 9 March 2017 there will be held the 13th edition of the South-East European Conference and Exhibiton on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Over the years of its existence since 2005, the event has proved its significance for the Region dealing with its priority sectors and facilitating the establishment of new business partnerships and strengthening the existing ones.
The preparation of the SEE event 2017 is underway. Following the latest trends, the event will keep on being a cross point among local and international players and an efficient platform for showing the novelties in the branches.
Why to join it?
∙ To find new local distributors and business partners
∙ To position your products in a new market in a cost efficient way
∙ Face-to-face interaction with municipality representatives, key industry players from production, commercial and public sectors
∙ Get an insight of the market specifics in a short time.
The event receives again the institutional support and patronage by the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. For the eight consecutive time there will be organized Austrian Pavilion with the active promotion support of Advantage Austria Sofia.
Among the exhibitors, applied participation as of the present moment in the SEE EE& RE’17 are companies from Bulgaria and abroad that will demonstrate the following: Photovoltaic systems, Software for predicting imbalance and managing the production of electricity in real time; Heat Pumps Systems; Еnergy solutions for the industry, including gas co-generators, boilers, equipment for thermal power plants, heating, water-conditioning systems and cooling towers; Advanced pellet and wood chip heaters, Energy storage systems, etc.
Priority Booking Form
Brochure 2017 /link/ Bulletins /link/
The focus of the EE & RE Conference’17 will be on:
∙ Geothermal Energy in Cities: Good Practices; Discover Shallow Geothermal; Geothermal Heat Pumps
∙ Energy Union Governance and the Smart and Clean Energy Package: Opportunities for South East Europe.
Experts from European Geothermal Energy Council, Eurelectric, International Geothermal Association, , Romanian Geo Exchange Society, National Biomass Association of Bulgaria, Bulgarian shareholders are expected to deliver presentations in March.
SEE Energy Efficiency & Renewables’16 and the parallel events – Smart Cities and Waste Management & Enviornment attracted visitors from 26 countries.
Post Event Report’16 /link/